Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Xmas tree

This year we decide to go a bit of a different route. When we moved to GA my Aunt gave a tree for the house which I love! So we decided to decorate this tree this year. We love it and think it's quite festive. To bad the lights are not really showing. What do you think?

impressed by our teachers!

I always feel that nurses have a vip pass to heaven with all they have to do when caring for their patients. You can't pay a person enough for some things these people have to go through daily. And I think that goes for teachers as well! I was worried about Badi and the winter. Will he button his jacket? put on his hat when it's freezing outside. I have to say, there was no need for me to worry. The teachers are so good at ensuring that the children of the entire school do not go out after dismissal without completely buttoning up their jacket. Go teachers! We appreciate all your efforts!

pink eye

Well last week Badi missed 3 days of school because he seemed to have had pink eye! Only to find out it was just an irritation, not pink eye but he got the cold then an ear infection! So all in all not a good week. Here's a pic of the pink eye.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010


So I decided to blog on Badi's progress in Kindergarten. I don't know how many parents there are out there like me but when my son was getting ready for kindergarter I was totally scared? maybe? don't know if that's the word I'm looking for but basically I had so much questions. I don't know how the other parents do it where they just drop their kids off and then pick up in the afternoon. But then again Badi maybe is not as disciplined as the other children. never the less, I wanted to know everything like when they'll eat, what they'll eat, bathroom runs , actiViies in the classroom. I guess very involved! :-). So , here is my attempt to maybe help other parents who may be confused or concerned as I was..still am..?? lol.

blues clue

myspace layout codes


thank you!


Maukie - the virtual cat